The deadline for filing individual and partnership tax returns is looming in the very near future, April 18th to be exact. I can’t help but wonder if the government shuts down like they keep threatening to do does that mean that tax returns no longer have a deadline?
At the very least I would like an extension until July. First they make it so I can’t file anything until the middle of February due to their late decisions in December. Now I only have 2 months to prepare returns. Then in an effort to get correct information out of the brokerage firms they extend the deadline on 1099’s till the end February, giving me only 1 1/2 months to prepare returns. Even with the extension brokerage firms still send out corrected 1099’s and so now it is the end of March when I get the information I need with only 2 weeks until the deadline. How about an extension on filing tax returns?? I am just saying that if everybody gets an extension on when they have to get the information to me shouldn’t I get an extension on getting it to the government who is in such dire straits it may shut down? I think July is fair. It can take the first 3 months to send out all the documents necessary and then another 3 months to prepare the returns.
Since the deadline is looming this blog is going on Hiatus. Look for more tidbits April 27th!